Thursday, October 06, 2005

the color of my world is yellow


It has been uber long since I have updated. And once again its mostly because of the amount of homework and projects we have been showered with... (sigh!)

Anyway, last Saturday, my groupmates from the Radioplay went over to my house to record. It was quite tiring actually, and we spent the entire day on that project. But as Sunday came, lo and behold! My PC broke down and had a MAJOR SYSTEM BREAKDOWN!!! So has my brain. Everything we've done on Saturday was erased!!! Talk about tough luck. Damn. Now we have to redo it all over again this Saturday at Erika' s house since now, I do not have a computer. (I'm using mom's laptop)

Today Um, I mean, yesterday (cause it's 2 am) our adviser/ batch adviser was said to be resigning on Friday. The whole batch (Yep, all 180 something of us) went to her office, waited for her and cried and sang "When Teachers' Eyes are Smiling" and "Stay" which made us cry some more. There definitely were a lot of waterworks that afternoon. And when we pleaded (Yes, pleaded and begged) her to stay, she finally agreed to stay for at least a year (but someone said 2 years) and watch us graduate. Woo-hoo! The teacher that was supposed to teach English after the break got so mad at us for 'cuting' classes and walked out on our section, fumming mad. Oh well, we can't win 'em all can we?

YESSS!!! Tomorrow Today is our field trip to Enchanted Kingdom!!!! I absolutlely can't wait!!!! Eeeekk!!!


.:*coloring the pages of my world*:.
2:26 AM

Hey ya'll!! Tag me!


* jessika
* 16th mar 1990
* pisces
* junior
* black hair
* brown eyes
* 5'7

* chocomint icecream
* dogs (all kinds!!)
* animals
* the color green
* my cellphone
* my pc
* all my books!!
* simple plan
* greenday
* my blogz

* buko juice
* some people
* scary movies
* junior
* insects that bite
* mayonaise
* bad hair days

*pass all exams
*i pod
*new phone
*get to read HBP
*learn to drive
*have a new pet (dog) I HAVE COX!!! <3<3<3
*design own prom gown
*design my own skin

Shared blog with my two closest freiends!(Audrey and Kathryn)
Merv's uuper nice site ^.^
Paul's awsome blog!
RJ!! Ganda blog!!
Dom'z bloggie!
Tiffany's blog!
Nico's stringy blog!


i'm in hufflepuff!

doll made by me!
Pic i made for my sis..


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