Friday, December 23, 2005

The color of my world is orange

Right now, fireworks are going off outside my window. My Simple Plan playlist is currently blasting the song, "Crazy" from my speakers. And I'm typing here while bopping my head to the music. Just that.

As you can see, today had been a boring day. *yawn* I woke up to find that there's something wrong with the TV. My sister and I resulted to watching our home movies- well, mostly her fashion shows but it was fun... Not really. Funny, though. By 12 nn, she left for voice lessons. Watching home movies alone is NOT a good idea so I turned to our VCD... I watched The Parent Trap (Linsday Lohan) till 4 and kept on wondering how on earth could special effects people make her look double. Anyway, I've inspected the CD cover and noticed that the back cover where Hallie and Annie were posed are one and the same photos! Oh, well... They couldn't fool me.

That was really all... Yesterday was WAY better. I'll tell these to ya once I've got the time.


.:*coloring the pages of my world*:.
6:28 AM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

the color of my world is purple

Woot! I'm just so happy! Still got major hang-overs from the sportsfest, though. I wouldn't wear anything but red! Hah, talk about pshycho! I didn't sleep till about three am, updating this blog and so, here comes the weird dreams:

Okay... It was sort of like the last day of school or something. I left my paperbag with one of my classmates and went downstairs with Kathryn to talk. By the time we came back and got my stuff, a really foul smell met our noses. (Think unsaturated ammonia--ewww!!!) As we were leaving, Mr. De Lara (The school disciplinarian) entered the room and strode to the center of it, searching for something. And then, in the middle of the classroom, he found a DEAD SKUNK!! Ewww!! In my dream, I actually saw the 'smoke'/ odor it was giving off! We hurridly rushed out the room and then saw Fr. Jerome and Fr. Linus by the windows of our classroom overlooking the whole thing...

That was one of the grossest dreams I've ever had. Eww...


.:*coloring the pages of my world*:.
6:18 PM

The color of my world is pink- deep pink!

WHHOOOO!!! QUEENYY WON THE MISS SPORTSFEST 05-06!!!!! All our efforts were paid off! In what had been a crazy, everything-went-wrong morning, ended in a crying-with-joy afternoon! Here's the whole story:

Saturday afternoon, as you know, we spent shopping for Queenyy's sports and casual attire. We ended up buying nothing. My feet ached alright- because I wasn't wearing my own shoes. Well, I wasn't wearing my own shirt and pants either. Stupid me left my change of clothes back at school. Anyway, I had a helluva Sunday. Really- spending it with 200 little 10 year old kids was TIRING! Don't do this at home, I tell ya. It will surely take all your energy AND it's soooo hard to get them to shut up and behave themselves. It was like taking care of three hundred wild elephants. Except, the elephants were much behaved. Phew!

Monday! The big day! The day we've been waiting for! The Sportsfest!!!

Our class had the LAMEST party of the whole school! We have not much food, if you count three tupperwares full of buko pandan and a few pieces of shiomai... It was lame until the pizzas and pasta arrived. Okay.. fastfoward to 11:30- Kat, some of 3C and I were sitting in their classroom eating the last of their ice cream (which wasn't THAT cold anymore) when we heard the news. Queenyy still hasn't had her make up and hair done and there was only a couple hours left till the beginning of the contest! The damned beautician was damned late! And she was sitting at the salon doing nothing! We did everything- called for reservations at another parlor which our friend conviniently owns, called the teacher, who was in a meeting at that moment, shouted, screamed and yelled our heads off but all these were to no avail.

Finally, someone who had the sense suggested, "Why won't we go to her? We have enough money to go to SM and comeback." I could've hugged him/ her right then and there. The three of us, Kathryn, Charmaine and I stood up immediately and asked anyone who knows how to get there to help us. Lou Anne came along and off we went.

We had managed to 'borrow' a car and driver from Kathryn's aunt and save a whole lot of money. When we arrived, we immediately sped to Ricky Reyes', the salon where she was supposed to be but then, she wasn't there. She checked each and every hair salon and still nothing. Having rampaged the whole mall, we still drew blanks. We were desperate to see her- she was close to tears when we had last spoke to her and we were worried sick. Then a text came informing us that she was at her house already getting ready! We rushed out and hailed a taxi and went straight to her house. The traffic was SOOO heavy and the ride took about 25 minutes. Even befor reaching her apartment complex, we paid the driver and off we went.

The information told us that she had not come back and her grandmother told us the same thing. We tried her cellphone but the line always went dead. At the tenth call, she answered- there was much static but we had made out that she was at Ricky Reyes already getting her hair done. The beautician made it after all.

We had to descide our next move- we had little money left and a taxi ride will take too long. We had to walk. It was a long one- the longest I've had. It was a long and terrible walk. We had to cross two heavy trafficed bridges and a long, long road... Upon reaching, City Hall, we were so elated that we were laughing all the way! We found Queenyy alright, tears dry and beautifilly made up. Her hair was awesome.

When we went to find her driver, he was no where to be found. Queenyy was once again near to tears- everyone was calling us- Our batch coordinators, our classmates, everyone! This time, she broke down and cried. We told her not to, but she couldn't help it. When we found the driver, he drove through the streets like there was no tomorrow! Luckily, we were a few minutes early and she had time to collect herself. She was on the verge of breaking down! She even told us that she might as well quit.

But then again, who's to tell her to quit? She didn't! She'd won the title Miss Photogenic on the first round- we were really, really proud of her! When they announced she was in the top 5, we were like, screaming like hell broke loose! AND when her name was called when they were annoucing the Miss Sportsfest, we were so happy that all of us, along with the cheering team rushed towards her and gave her a gigantic big hug! All our aching feet, the sweat and the blood (I had somehow hurt myself by the way) evaporated at this! We were SO SO SO SO happy and proud and excited for her!
Whoot! What a day!


.:*coloring the pages of my world*:.
9:11 AM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The color of my world is orange
Hey! Just a post to let you know I'm still alive.. heh.. Anywayz, third quarter has gone by soooo fast. Can you believe it? It's the second to the last of our periodical exams- Trigonometry + Geometry<-- That's road kill, I tell ya! >.<
On Friday night, I bet you I won't sleep till dawn! Why? Two words- Chinese Exam. Not only does the subject has absolutely NO use at all, it kills my grades... Sigh...
Cox and I are doing great! The only problem is that he bites. Well, he tries to bite. I still have to teach him right from wrong, but now, I have zero time and effort to do so.
By Saturday, after school, Kat, Queennyy and I are going to a SHOPPING SPREE! YEY! Then on Sunday, FCCY will host a kids Christmas Party and I'm in charge of the documentation : taking pictures and stuff- Yay!
That's all for now and I've also updated the creations part.

.:*coloring the pages of my world*:.
12:31 AM

Hey ya'll!! Tag me!


* jessika
* 16th mar 1990
* pisces
* junior
* black hair
* brown eyes
* 5'7

* chocomint icecream
* dogs (all kinds!!)
* animals
* the color green
* my cellphone
* my pc
* all my books!!
* simple plan
* greenday
* my blogz

* buko juice
* some people
* scary movies
* junior
* insects that bite
* mayonaise
* bad hair days

*pass all exams
*i pod
*new phone
*get to read HBP
*learn to drive
*have a new pet (dog) I HAVE COX!!! <3<3<3
*design own prom gown
*design my own skin

Shared blog with my two closest freiends!(Audrey and Kathryn)
Merv's uuper nice site ^.^
Paul's awsome blog!
RJ!! Ganda blog!!
Dom'z bloggie!
Tiffany's blog!
Nico's stringy blog!


i'm in hufflepuff!

doll made by me!
Pic i made for my sis..


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